- Si segnala la nuova piattaforma degli Archivi delle Nazioni Unite a Ginevra (https://archives.ungeneva.org/), in particolare riguardo alla digitalizzazione dell’integralità degli archivi della Società delle Nazioni. Di seguito un breve testo di presentazione inviatoci dall’advisor council degli Archivi, Pierre-Etienne Bourneuf: “This new online platform makes it easier to navigate and search about 10 linear kilometers of archives managed by the UN Library & Archives Geneva, which include different fonds such as 19th century peace movements, the League of Nations, the UN Geneva and different UN entities based in Geneva. Thanks to the LONTAD project (https://lontad-project.unog.ch/), the platform allows also to consult over 10 million digitized pages of the League of Nations archives. By 2022, the entirety of the archives of the League of Nations will be available online (including photographs and maps). The launch of the platform is a breakthrough for many reasons. It enables researchers from all over the world to searching exceptional primary sources (with text recognition). It facilitates the interaction with our archivists, who are available to provide assistance online. It allows exchanges between our team and researchers. For instance, we are now offering tailored online presentations and trainings for researchers and students. We are also open to establish partnerships to support innovative research projects based on our archives. You can find more information about the Platform here. Preserving and providing access to primary sources is at the core of our mandate. The digital turn offers new challenges and opportunities for us as well as for researchers. This why we remain available to talk about the Platform or to plan a presentation if you consider that it would be of interest for your members and your network.”
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